Saturday, January 25, 2020

Crawling Inside the Mind of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Coursew

Crawling Inside the Mind of Hamlet  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Much of the dramatic action of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet is within the head of the main character, Hamlet.  Ã‚   His wordplay represents the amazing, contradictory, unsettled, mocking, nature of his mind, as it is torn by disappointment and positive love, as Hamlet seeks both acceptance and punishment, action and stillness, and wishes for consummation and annihilation. He can be abruptly silent or vicious; he is capable of wild laughter and tears, and also polite badinage. One of the first things which a reader learns about Hamlet is that he uses words with startling agility. He plays on words that sound alike, or nearly alike: King. But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son-- Ham. A little more than kin, and less than kind. King. How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Ham. Not so, my lord; I am too much in the sun. (I.ii.64-67) The king withdraws from this exchange, and his mother begins more lovingly, on a different tack. But still Hamlet takes words that others have used and returns them changed or challenged: â€Å"Ay, madam, it is common./. . . Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not 'seems'† (I.ii.74-76).   Although the prince is speaking in public, he uses verbal rhetorical devices most critics in Shakespeare's day would consider unseemly. Hamlet's first words are rhetorically complicated, and also challenging and puzzling. Does he pretend to be flippant or boorish in order to keep his thoughts to himself, or to contain his pain? Or does he express rational criticism in savagely sarcastic comments spoken only to himself? Or is the energy of his mind such that he thinks and speaks with instinctive ambiguity? Words are restless within his mind, changing meaning, sh... ...espeare, William. 1985. Hamlet. The New Cambridge Shakespeare edn, edited by Philip Edwards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Vickers, Brian. 1993. Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193. Shakespeare, William. The Tradegy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark.   New York: Washington Square Press, 1992 Weiten, Wayne. Psychology: Themes and Variations, Fourth Editon. Boston: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1998 Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193.

Friday, January 17, 2020

A Linear Regression Model

A Linear regression model with one explanatory variable is called a Simple linear regression, that is it involves 2 points: single predictor / explanatory variable and the response variable, which is the x and y coordinates in a Cartesian plane and finds a linear function a non-vertical straight line that, as precisely as possible it predicts the dependent variable values as a function of the independent variables. The term simple refers to the fact that the response variable is related to one predictor. The regression model is given as Y=?0+?1 + ? and they are two parameters that are used estimate the slope of the line ?1 and the y- intercept of the line ?0. ? is the random error term.BackgroundRegression analysis is a vital statistical method for the analysis of medical data. It makes it possible for the identification and characterization of relationships among multiple factors. It also enables the identification of prognostically relevant risk factors and the calculation of risk scores for individual prognostication, this was made possible by English scientist Sir Francis Galton (1822–1911), a cousin of Charles Darwin, made significant contributions to both genetics and psychology. He is the one that came up with regression and a pioneer in using statistics to biology. In his study One of the data sets that he considered consisted was the heights of fathers and first sons. He wanted to find out whether he can predict the height of a son based on the father height. Looking at the scatterplots of these heights, Galton saw that the was relationship which was linear and increasing. After fitting a line to these data using the statistical techniques, he observed that for fathers whose heights were taller than the average, the regression line predicted that taller fathers tended to have shorter sons and shorter fathers tended to have taller sons.PurposesSimple linear regression could be for example be purposefully when we Consider a relationship between weight Y (in kilograms) and height X(in centimeters), where the mean weight at a given height is ?(X) = 2X/4 – 45 for X > 100. Because of biological variability, the weight will vary for example, it might be normally distributed with a fixed ? = 4. The difference between an observed weight and mean weight at a given height is referred to as the error for that weight. To discover the relationship which is linear, we could take the weight of three individuals at each height and apply linear regression to model the mean weight as a function of height using a straight line, ?(X) = ?0 + ?1X . The most popular way to estimate the parameters, intercept ?0 and slope ?1 is the least squares estimator, which is derived by differentiating the regression with respect to ?0 and ?1 and solving, Let (xi , y i ) be the Ith pair of X and Y values. The least squares estimator, estimates ?0 and ?1 by minimizing the residual sum of squared errors, SSE = ?(y i – ? i)2, where y i are the observed value and ?i = b0 + b1xi are the estimated regression line points and are called the fitted, predicted or â€Å"hat† values. The estimates are given by b0 = ¯y – b1  ¯x and b1 = SSXX / SSYY, and where  ¯Xand  ¯Y are the means of samples X and Y, SSXX and SSYY being their standard deviation values and r = r(X,Y) being their Pearson correlation coefficient. It is also referred to as Pearson's r, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, is a measure of the linear between two variables X and Y Where X is the independent variable and Y being the Dependant variable as stated above. The Pearson correlation coefficient, r can take a range of values from -1 to +1. A value of 0 suggests that there is no association between the two variables X and Y. A value greater than 0 indicates a positive association that is, as the value of one variable increases, so does the value of the other variable. Before using simple linear regression analysis it is always vital to follow these few steps: Choose an independent variable that is likely to cause the change in the dependent variable Be certain that the past amounts for the independent variable occur in the exact same period as the amount of the dependent variable Plot the observations on a graph using the y-axis for the dependant variable and the x-axis for the independent variable review the plotted observations for a linear pattern and for any outliers keep in mind that there can be correlation without cause and effect.ImportancesSimple linear regression is considered to be extensively useful in many practical applications and methodologies. Simple linear regression functions by assuming that the variables x and y have a relationship which is linear within the given set of data. As assumptions are and results are interpreted, persons handling the analysing role in a such data will have to be more critical because it has been stu died before that there are some variables which inhibit marginal changes to occur while others will not consider being held at a fixed point. Although the concept of linear regression is one complex subject, it still remains to be one of the most vital statistical approaches being used till date. Simple linear regression is important because it has be wildly being used in many biological, behavioural , environmental as well as social sciences. Because of its ability to describe possible relationships between identified variables independent and dependent , it has assisted the fields of epidemiology, finance, economics and trend line in describing significant data that proves to be of essence in the identified fields. More so, simple linear regression is important because it provides an idea of what needs to be anticipated, more specially in controlling and regulating functions involved on some disciplines. Despite the complexity of simple linear aggression, it has proven to be adequately useful in many daily applications of life.ReferencesFahrmeir L, Kneib T, Lang S. 2nd edition. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2009.Regression – Modelle, Methoden und Anwendungen.{}Carpenter JR, Kenward MG. Missing Data in Randomised Controlled Trials: A practical guide Birmingham, Alabama: National Institute for Health Research 2008{ }Karl Pearson (20 June 1895) â€Å"Notes on regression and inheritance in the case of two parents,† Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 58 : 240–242.{}â€Å"†SPSS Tutorials: Pearson Correlation†Ã¢â‚¬ . Retrieved 2017-05-14.{} {https://www.accountingcoach. com/blog/what-is-simple-linear-regression-analysis}Article?in?Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 187:253-318 †¢ January 1896?with?3 ReadsDOI: 10.1098/rsta.1896.0007{}â€Å"What is Simple Linear Regression?†. Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved 2016-10-17.{}Williams, M. N; Grajales, C. A. G; Kurkiewicz, D (2013). â€Å"Assumptions of multiple regression: Correcting two misconceptions†. Practical Assessment, Research ; Evaluation. 18 (11).{}

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Strategies to Help a First-Year Teacher Survive

Being a first-year teacher comes with a plethora of emotions, both good and bad. First-year teachers are typically excited, overwhelmed, nervous, anxious, overzealous, and even a little scared. Being a teacher is a rewarding career, but there are times when  it can be extremely stressful and challenging. Most teachers would agree that the first year is their most difficult, simply because they are not adequately prepared for all that will be thrown at them.    It may sound clichà ©d, but experience really is the best teacher. No matter how much training a first-year teacher receives, nothing can truly prepare them for the real thing. Teaching is composed of many different uncontrollable variables, making each day its own unique challenge. It is important for first-year teachers to remember that they are running a marathon and not a race. No single day, good or bad, can dictate success or failure. Instead, it is the culmination of every moment added together, There are several strategies that can help make each day for a first-year teacher go smoother. The following survival guide will help teachers as they begin their journey into this incredible and rewarding career path. Arrive Early and Stay Late Contrary to popular belief, teaching is not an 8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. job, and this is especially true for first-year teachers. By default, it takes first-year teachers more time to prepare than it will a veteran teacher. Always afford extra time. Arriving early and staying late allows you to properly prepare in the mornings and tie up loose ends at night. Stay Organized   Being organized is another key component that takes time and is essential to being a successful teacher. There are so many variables to account for that, if you are not organized, it can be very difficult to keep up with your responsibilities. Always keep in mind that organization and preparation are linked. Build Relationships Early and Often Building healthy relationships  often takes a lot of hard work and effort. However, it is a vital component if you want to be successful. Relationships must be forged with administrators, faculty and staff members, parents, and students. You will have a different relationship with each of these groups, but each is equally beneficial for you to be an effective teacher. Administrators – The key to building a healthy relationship with an administrator is to gain their trust by being a professional in all aspects. Hard work, reliability, dedication, and effective teaching results will help maintain a healthy relationship with your administrators.Faculty and Staff Members – All first-year teachers should rely upon one or several veteran teachers to assist and guide them through the first year. Having a support system of other teachers is invaluable. It is also essential to forge healthy relationships with all personnel in the school. Each staff member has a particular area of expertise that you will likely be beneficial to you.Parents – Parents can be your best friend or  worst enemy. Building a healthy relationship with parents relies on two key factors. The first is that you make it clear that your number one goal is to prepare their child academically. The second factor is that you communicate with each parent often--using var ious methods--keeping them up to date and providing them with both positive and negative feedback about their child. How your students feel about you will impact your overall effectiveness. There is a definite middle ground that lies between being too easy or too difficult. Most students love and respect teachers who are consistent, fair, humorous, compassionate, and knowledgeable. Dont set yourself up for failure by worrying too much about being liked or attempting to be their friends. Doing so will likely cause students to take advantage of you. Instead, start exceptionally strict and then ease off as the year progresses. Things will go much smoother if you use this  classroom management  approach. Experience is the Best Education No formal training can replace true, on the job, experience. Students will often be the true educators every day for your first-year teacher. This experience is invaluable, and the lessons learned can drive you to make solid teaching decisions over the course of your career. Have a Backup Plan Every first-year teacher comes in with their own unique philosophy, plan, and approach to how they are going to teach. Sometimes it can only take a few hours or days for them to realize that they are going to have to make adjustments. Every teacher needs a backup plan when trying something new, and for a first-year teacher, that means having a backup plan every single day. Nothing is worse than having a significant activity planned and realizing a few minutes in  that its not going as expected. Even the most well planned, and organized activity has the possibility of failing. Being prepared to move on to another activity is always an excellent idea. Immerse Yourself in the Curriculum Most first-year teachers do not have the luxury of being picky with their first job. They have to take what is available and run with it, no matter how comfortable they are with the curriculum. Each grade level will be different, and it is essential that you quickly become an expert in the curriculum that you will be teaching. Great teachers know their required objectives and curriculum inside and out. They also continuously look for methods that will improve how they teach and present that material. Teachers will quickly be discredited by their students if they are unable to explain, model, and demonstrate the material that they are teaching. Keep a Journal for Reflection A journal can be a valuable tool for a first-year teacher. Its impossible to  remember every important thought or event that happens throughout the year and writing them down makes it simple to access or review at any point. It is also gratifying to look back and reflect on how far you have come throughout your career. Keep Lesson Plans, Activities, Materials Prior to your first year, you might never have had to make  lesson plans. As you begin creating them, it is important to save a copy and build a portfolio. This should include your lesson plans, notes, activities, worksheets, quizzes, exams, etc. Though it may take a lot of time and effort, you have a terrific teaching tool that will make your job much easier from that point on. Prepare to be Overwhelmed It is natural to become frustrated and hit a wall as our first year will likely be the most demanding. Remind yourself that it will improve. In sports, they talk about the game being so fast for young players that they fail more often than not. However, as time passes, they become comfortable with everything. Everything eventually slows down, and they begin to be consistently successful. The same is true for teachers; that overwhelming feeling will disappear and you will begin to be more effective. Year Two Lessons Learned Your first year  will be many sprinkled with both failures and successes. Look at it as a learning experience. Take what works and run with it. Throw away what didn’t and replace it with something new that you believe will. Don’t expect everything to work out exactly as you plan, teaching isn’t easy. It will take hard work, dedication, and experience to be a master teacher. Moving forward, the lessons you learned in year one can help propel you to success throughout your career.